Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I’ll Never Forget You Haiti!

It’s now been over a week since we were in Haiti and I miss it … a lot. (Maybe not having to share one washroom with twelve other girls, but that’s not important right now). BUT, I’m glad to be back home. I had an amazing time making new friends from other teams and experience a totally different culture. From this trip I have realized a couple of things,
#1. God has blessed me with SO much. All of these Haitians live in these little houses with tons of kids and with little food to eat. It’s something that many of us take for granted.

#2. I should praise God no matter what the circumstances are. The Haitians all love God with such a strong passion and it absolutely amazed me when I saw. They had been through so much yet they were still filled with so much joy and all they wanted to do was praise God.

#3. Haiti is one BEAUTIFUL country. Yes, there’s garbage on the streets and there are still some rubble from the earthquake, but it’s still absolutely beautiful. Not only the landscape, but the people make it a beautiful country.
Haiti was an amazing experience that I know I will NEVER forget. I encourage you all to pray for Haiti and that it will continue to grow as a nation and that God will continue to work through them to show His power.
-Monica Ha
Ps. I really miss those plantains…

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