Monday, February 27, 2012

11 Days


I am super excited for this trip. I am so happy to have the chance to change people's lives. I have always wanted to go somewhere like Haiti, or Belize, or the Dominican Republic for a mission trip, but I am also a little nervous.

So, I guess I'll just take this opportunity to tell my story.

When I first heard about this trip I was really excited and I thought that it would be a fun adventure. However, near the start of January, I started doubting whether or not this was something that God really wanted for me. But after the orientation retreat at the van der Mark's I realized that God did really want me to go on this trip.

During the retreat, I had lots of time to pray about it and read my bible. I was reading in Isaiah 42 and I read verses 6 - 7. It says:

6 "I, The LORD have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, 7 to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness."

After I read that, I knew that God was planning something for me, and that he definately wanted me to go on this trip. I know that God has called me. I know that God is using me to help the people in Haiti. He is also using this trip to help me grow closer to Him. I can't wait till we leave!

~Sam Huisman

P.S. Never doubt that God has something planned for your life. He just might have something BIG in mind for you. He also just might be waiting for the perfect moment to reveal it to you. God loves you!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

19 Days

So, it’s my turn to write on the blog and I thought that I’d be a good idea to tell you how I got onto this team and how miracles CAN happen.

I was in math class one day and I heard some people in my class talking about Haiti and how they were really hoping that they would be chosen to go and what not. This made me think, “Hmm, Haiti? I want to go!” But I had no idea what they were talking about and I was too lazy to ask them, so I just pushed that thought into the back of my mind and tried to pay attention during class. Well, the next day I heard about it again and I was just too lazy to ask... again. (I can be kind of lazy sometimes :) …But ANYWAAYYS) I kept on hearing about it for the next few days and every time being too lazy to ask people more about it. THEN, after hearing about it for days I decided to ask what this whole “Haiti talk” was about. So I asked my friends and Leanne told me how Teagan made this presentation about Haiti during their history class with Mr. Kamphuis and how it was incredibly touching and then Mr. K had asked her to set up this Haiti mission trip for their class. Well, at first the team was only supposed to be made up of students from THEIR grade ten history class. But of course, word gets around (especially in math classes) and tons of people started asking Mr. K if they could be part of this amazing opportunity—I was one of those people. He told me to give him my email address and that he would send me the application forms; so I did. But right as I was about to leave, Mr. K stopped me and told me that there was a very slim chance of me going since first choice went to people in his class, plus, there were tons of students applying with only 13 spots to fill. When he said that I didn’t really get my hopes up, although I REALLY wanted to go, I was prepared for rejection.

But anyways, I filled out the application forms and gave them to him hoping that I would make it. I remember praying every night asking God to give me the chance to go, not only so that I would be able to help the people in Haiti, but so that they would also be able to help me with my faith. Then a few days later, Mr. K had emailed those that were chosen to go onto the trip.  

I remember this moment like it was yesterday because it honestly took me a good 10 minutes to open up my email account and actually read the email. I wanted to go to Haiti more than anything and I knew that this email held all of my hopes. Finally, after staring at my inbox for a thousand hours, I opened the email expecting “Sorry, but you were not chosen to be part of this mission trip.” BUT, amazingly … it said the complete opposite! I remember right when it said “Congratulations!” I had already started freaking out, jumping up and down and yelling at my mom telling her I made it while sending out mass texts to all of my friends. (I’m pre good at multi-tasking, nbd). My prayers had been ANSWERED. It was honestly a miracle and a blessing from God that I made it onto the team; I still get all overwhelmed just thinking about it! I thank God everyday for giving me this amazing opportunity.

But yeah, that’s pre much my story of how I got onto the team! I’m SUPER excited to go and I can’t wait to see what God will do with us while we’re there. :)

Thanks for taking your time in reading this and I hope you ALL have an amazing day :)

- Monica Ha

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

24 Days

I am soo excited, I have already packed, and am so excited that I think my family gets tired of hearing me talk about it.

Mr. Kampius told me that when I get back that you will never be the same. At first I thought okay ya for a while I am going to be different, but then I started thinking about it and realized he is right. There will always be memories of what I saw and what I did in Haiti. I will always see the orphanage kids in my head, but I'm okay with that. I want to remember this trip for the rest of my life. I dont want it to just be a spiritual high, I want it to last forever. I want it to change my life in ways I can not imagine. I want this trip to change my life, everyone on this team lives, and the people we see. when we get down there it will be amazing to see the smile on the kids face, or when we bring clothes, soccer equipment, medication, and know that they will appericate what we give them.

When we were told that this trip was happening I was sooo excited, and felt that God had His hand in picking the team members. I thought I was meant to go because when the earthquake hit I was in Dominican having lots of fun. I didnt even know an earthquake hit until someone told us. I thought that wow there are thousands of people lost and confused, and here I am just on the other side of the island and I didn't feel a thing. How is this fair? How could God let that happen? I thought all these things, and then realized God has a plan for everyone. God has a plan for all the people in Haiti and He has a plan for everyone going on this trip. Its going to change our lives.

-Sabrina Miedema

Monday, February 13, 2012

26 Days

          Today, I was just looking through the music on my iPod and came across a song called Haiti, by Arcade Fire. So I looked up the lyrics and began to read the comments on the lyrics. Turns out, the song is about the past devastation in Haiti. I did a little research and discovered one of the co-leaders of the band, Regine Chassagne, has family ties to Haiti. Her parents emigrated from Haiti to Canada during the dictatorship of Duvalier. Growing up, she would hear stories of the oppression her family faced while in Haiti. After the earthquake her husband, also in the band Arcade Fire, and herself requested donations for the organization, Partners in Health, to help the relief effort. So, why am I telling you all this? Well, I found it extremely interesting that this band, Arcade Fire, who has been doing very well the past couple of years, has this kind of tie to the country we are going to serve in. Not to mention that this is one of my favourite bands, among many. Also, the lyrics are also very interesting. The third verse says, “In the forest we lie hiding, unmarked graves where flowers grow. Hear the soldiers angry yelling, in the river we will go.” These lyrics represent all the hurt and oppression the people of Haiti have been through. It shows fear and almost no hope at all. But then in the fourth verse they ring out, “Soon we will reclaim the earth. All the tears and all the bodies, Bring about our second birth.” These specific lyrics, for me, represent Jesus’ second coming. It also shows that God is our saving grace. He will use many different individuals to help bring hope and love to Haitians.

Since December I have been raising a fair chunk of my money from my photo card business called Bright Eye Images. Now I have been blessed by the kindness of a retired pastor, who uses the scrap wood from my dad’s work to make wonderfully handcrafted toy trains and cars. He donated a beautiful train to me this past week and in the next coming weeks I am going to work hard to auction it off. This has really shown me how much God really does provide for us.

Lastly, I would like to add that I am very excited (and also nervous) for this trip. It has been a real blessing and I hope that we can be a great help to everyone we come in to contact with on our trip and be true servants for the Lord. I am looking forward to building relationships with God’s people in Haiti and for them to learn from our team and for us to learn from them.

“When things belong to God, they matter and have something to say.” – John Van Sloten, The Day Metallica Came to Church

- Colette

The World

So as you might have known, I am going to Haiti with a bunch of other peers of the generous and adventurous nature. Which is insanely awesome because of countless reasons. I shall try to recite a few:

1.     Helping people! I like to help people, always have. Not just because I feel good after but because everyone feels good after. While we’re down there we’re going to be helping people with minor construction, painting, property repair, build a couple houses, basically change the world.

2. I couldn't go to Nicaragua … because God wanted me to go to Haiti! Every other year, my youth group does this really big mission trip to Nicaragua. It’s half the reason why people go to youth group. Maybe a third. Anyways, this year was the “big year” and I couldn’t go because I our youth group was too big and they decided to narrow it down to the grade elevens and twelves. I am in grade ten, but was offer a special position since I am six-teen and am supposed to be in grade tens. But I declined knowing that there would be a bit of a conflict with the other grade tens. The next week, literally, this Haiti idea comes up and I’m like, “Hey!”. So yeah.

3. Leaving the continent. Other than being born in Thailand, I have never been outside of Canada or the United States. I’ve been told that it’ll be culture shock and to be prepared to be hit by a bit of devastation, which is always an awkward thing to hear because you can’t agree or disagree because you don’t know. Just give them the smile and nod I guess. I know that this trip is definitely not a vacation and will not be doing anything for my pleasure. I’m excited for the labor and projects we’ll be doing there… can’t be that hard.

4. Chilling with awesome people. Our Haiti team consists of ten girls and three guys. All of whom, are incredibly awesome! Ever seen Ocean’s Thirteen? We’re like those guys, only not as awesome … we’re better. Not exactly the best comparison but whatever. We have a very good balance of intelligence, creativity, humor, and spirituality about our group. Then our leaders are pretty cool. We got this really chill guy name Mr. Dauphin whose ancestors come from Haiti. Then we have this sweet, eccentric and easy going girl chaperone called Liz who can sing really, really well. And then last but not least, we have our French teacher, Mr. Vanderveen. Real swell guy with a sense of humor and can obviously, speak French… on a grade nine level. Not exactly Creole, but it’s the best we got. Kidding Vanderveen, glad you’re with us.

5. Growing as a Christian. Famous Bible verse that I can remember is “Faith without deeds is dead”, which is very true for such an anonymous verse. I’m sorry, I don’t remember the verse, but it’s real! Google it. There’s also that verse at the top of this page, that’s a good one. Anyways, the point is, is that it is our Christ Following duties to be … well, Christ like. That means we should heal the sick, carry the weak and reach out to those who retreat. And by acting on such task we can further understand God, ourselves and others. When I leave to Haiti, I will really mean goodbye, because I’ll be coming back a different person.

These are just five of the hundreds of reason for why I’m excited to go to Haiti. I hope
you’re excited for us too and will share our story and mission to others. God has been in every moment to where we are now. I’m insanely psyched for this trip.

-Joel Robins

Sunday, February 12, 2012

27 Days

Twenty seven days to go. In September, I couldn't imagine I'd being saying  that. In twenty seven days, we'll  be waking up in the we hours to load onto a plane. In twenty seven days, we'll be so excited, nervous, and restless, that are bodies will no longer understand what it means to sit still. In twenty seven days we'll have crossed North America and land in a little country called Haiti. In twenty seven days, we'll be driving through the streets of Haiti to a certain place... a place of hope. In twenty seven days are lives will be ruined, yet in the best way possible. In twenty seven days, all our adventure will be in action. Scary isn't it?
               It's amazing to see how God's been at work throughout all this. Without a doubt, Teagan was placed in our History class for a reason. God had this whole trip planned out before we'd even met her. Stop and think about it...How awesome is that? It's been quite a journey getting to this point, I must admit. Personally, at times it was stressful, scary, tiring, but that is nothing compared to the excitement and blessing He's poured out on us because of our obedience to His call. Specifically, He's had His hand on the planning for my Fundraising Concert on the 18th. All the bands, venue, food, helping-hands, and organizers have been amazingly provided. Surprisingly, everything has run smoothly and according to plan thus far.
                 The more work and planning we put it to this trip, the more I'm assured that we are doing the right thing, that it's God's will. Our team is fantastic, each with unique gifts, talents and attributes they bring to the group. God has called each of us to this mission, without a doubt and I'm excited to continue discovering why.
                I've come to understand that as we are walking in obedience with Christ and doing works through and for Him, the enemy does everything he can to stop us. I want to leave you with the assurance that he will not prevail. God has already won. I want to end off with a passage that really helped me through the stressful times when I felt I just couldn't do much more.

   Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
- Matthew 11:28-30

He will take the burden and get you through. Every time.

We hope this trip will lead to bigger things, more support for Haiti in the future. We're surrendering ourselves and trust our Father fully, to allow Him to work through us.
I have not even been to Haiti yet, and already Haiti has already won my heart. I cannot wait for this experience!

Kathryn van Wyngaarden.

     I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.  If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.   
- John 15

As for the fundraiser I mentioned,
It will be on February 18th from 4-11pm, at the Dunsdon Legion on 9 Tolgate Rd, in Brantford.
$12 to get in and there will be food for sale and music and entertainment all evening.
Everyone is welcome!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

33 Days

Twas the month before departure, our trip to Haiti is approaching, I begin to think of all the ways I am preparing for this time set aside for us. I'm thinking about all of the the physical things I have to do in before I go like what to pack, etc, but I also realize that we as a team need to be preparing mentally and spiritually. I am being told by many people that this trip is going to come as major culture shock and is going to be an experience I will never forget. I am looking forward to putting myself in their shoes in seeing how Haitians live day to day life, not having the same mindset we were grown up to have. We know that when we are in Haiti, we will eventually be back in Canada, knowing we can have access to pretty much anything we want. Unfortunately, we know that isn't how it is there.

I had a visit with my grandparents about a week ago, and they were so interested in my trip. It was great to see! They brought me a National Geographic book that is full of amazing info on Haiti from 1961, that was really neat to see. They also brought a box full of medical supplies such as band-aids, gauze etc. As Mr.K once said something like, "going on a mission trip can really mess you up." It turns out helping us more than it does them in some ways.
I am ready to have an open mind and am very excited to see what God has in store for all of us!
The countdown is on.

Jill deBoer (: